Media in Cooperation and Transition

Media in Cooperation and Transition

Something About Company

MiCT – Media in Cooperation and Transition is a German non-profit organisation that implements media development projects in crisis regions. Activities focus on the interplay between conflict, media coverage and reconciliation.

MiCT’s services comprise the training of journalists and media producers, programme and content development, radio and film production, magazine and book publishing, as well as media research and monitoring in conflict regions. At the headquarters in Berlin, an international team coordinates MiCT’s activities in 15 different countries. All projects are implemented in close cooperation with our partners on-site and our three regional offices in Iraq, Tunisia and Uganda.

Through its activities, MiCT aims to foster the transformation of conflict towards reconciliation, and encourage dialogue among conflicting factions within society. The focal point is the interaction and interdependence of media and conflict. Supporting media cooperation, media networking and media development, as well as capacity building in the field of journalism is recognised as the key factor in conflict transition.

MiCT has been financed and supported by the Belgian Foreign Office, the Canadian Government, CFI, GIZ, the DOEN Foundation, the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the German Federal Foreign Office, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Robert Bosch Stiftung, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), UNAMI, IOM, UNDP, UNESCO, and UNWOMEN.

MiCT is a member of Reporters without Borders, the Global Forum for Media Development (GFMD) and the German Forum for Media Development (FoME).

The organisation was founded by Dr. Anja Wollenberg and Klaas Glenewinkel in 2006.

  • MiCT is committed to a fair, honest and transparent business policy. Many projects of MiCT are realized in nations with high risks such as politically unstable situations, structural corruption, totalitarian systems and missing independent judicial and supervisory authorities. For this reason, MiCT obligates employees to exercise due diligence in dealing with contractual partners and organizational (internal) security measures. In order to avoid risks, all business transactions are subject to the multi-eye principle.

  • MiCT does not accept anonymous donations. Projects are financed from grants and contracts from recognized international foundations or state institutions.

  • MiCT transfers money exclusively through recognized, official banking institutions.

  • MiCT does not work with persons or institutions that are directly or indirectly related to terrorist institutions.

The organization and its governance is regularly audited by the German Bundesverwaltungsamt (BVA), the GIZ and various independent auditors.

Company Information

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